Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What... one won't hurt anything!!

 I was talking with a dear friend the other day and the subject of my weight loss/fitness came up in relation to spiritual matters.  The question came up, something to the affect (or effect or whatever) "how is it Biblically wrong to have a cookie?".  My thoughts, 'cause I haven't found cookies anywhere in the Bible, are that it isn't assuming you are in control of the cookie, not the other way around.  

At one time in my life, I couldn't have one cookie, or whatever the snack/food was.  I couldn't say no.  I didn't practice self-control.  So, like in Phil 3:19, my stomach was my god (“Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things.”  Phil 3:19 NIV).  We know from the Gospels and Exodus that God is a jealous God.  He doesn’t share his kids with other things.  When I couldn’t turn down that cookie, that extra serving of fried fish, that cake, that doughnut, that diet coke (ouch, did that hurt you as much as me?), that {whatever}, I was trying to serve God and a god.  Can’t do it.  

Along those same lines, the Bible also goes on to talk about self-control other areas.  Just a couple:  
Proverbs says:  “Like a city whose walls are broken down 
   is a man who lacks self-control”
1 Thessalonians says:  “So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled”

Self-control, I’ve found, also leads to self-confidence which then leads to more self-control.  Funny how God wired us, isn’t it? 

I posted earlier that the more discipline I have in one area, it surprises me how much discipline I have in others.  Discipline and self-control are pretty much the same thing in my mind.  Life is just better when you have it.  

Maybe you’re OK with passing on a cookie, but how are your thoughts on exercise?  How many days do you miss reading your Bible (OOOUUUCH! My toes, my toes!), how is your prayer life?  

Anyway, I’ll try not to be as preachy next post and hopefully it will not take me 2 months to post again.  

Til next time.

May He Increase and i decrease,


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