Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What are we thinking?

We as Americans are INCREDIBLY blessed!  We also do some incredibly crazy things.  We actually have an industry that seems to be doing very well based on us just being hoarders or greedy or something.  Have you noticed how many storage building rental places there are around and going up everywhere?  We pay money to store crap we don't think worthy of keeping at our house.  This may make sense if we had really small houses here, but we have a term called mcmansions describing how big our houses are getting.  

The Bible says "Where your heart is, there is your treasure also".  I don't think there was a Jerusalem mini-storage back then.  Think we could scale down today?  Do we have things in our houses we could get rid of (regardless if we actually rent a storage building or not)?  More importantly, what kind of junk do we have in our diet?  Even more importantly, what do we have in our spiritual life that needs to go?

Here's to a week of getting garage sale stuff together, cutting junk out of what we eat and cleaning out our heart.

May He increase and i decrease,


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