Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I've always heard knowledge is power

It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to sit down and update my blog.  I have missed it.

In my reading the other day, I came across the following verse from Hosea 4 “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge…” and it got me thinking.  I do not read my Bible as much as I should… I don’t learn as much about the Biblical customs/traditions/etc as possible so I could apply them in context with what I read.  I need a deeper knowledge of the scriptures and how they fit in with the people then so I could better apply them to my life now.

That also got me thinking about how I used to eat.  I had no knowledge about what I was putting in my body.   I bought into the cliche of "better living through chemistry" as it applied to food.  Now, I’m learning about the different things that we’re consuming and have been shocked by the junk we’re consuming, sometimes even doing so to be healthy (have you read what's in some of the low {whatever} foods??).  We truly are morons at times.  (I said WE, not you).   The less we know about what we put into our bodies, the worse we are for it.  We stay tired, our vitals go wrong, etc.

A greater tragedy is not feeding our spiritual life good things.  Listen to what people are saying in books/TV shows/music/movies/etc closely.  If they are clearly going against your beliefs, change channels, leave, whatever you have to do.  Don’t be like I was at one time and just go grab something to eat and hope that part of will be off when you get back. 

Please, let’s join together to put into our minds, hearts and bodies things we know are good at least for 2 weeks.  If a food has a list of ingredients that looks like they are written in a foreign language, skip it for a banana or a salad with olive oil dressing.  If a TV show has a history of saying things that are 180 degrees away from your beliefs, turn the TV off and read or, better yet, go for a walk or run.  We can’t consistently avoid things that are not in line with our beliefs, but we can take a week or two off.  We may find out that the TV show we thought we liked, really isn’t as good when we go back to watch it after “cleansing” our mind.  We may also find that the food we thought we liked really doesn’t taste as good as we remember.  If we do this long enough, we may also find our pants fit better than we remember!


May He Increase and I decrease,